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5 post it notes: Dang, I need to buy more post it notes. Excellent writing
4 post it notes: Yay, I got lots of notes taken. Great writing
3 post it notes: I took some notes on the new stuff, thanks for adding some new material to my knowledge base. Good writing
2 post it notes: Not many post its used but great job for getting it published.
1 post it note: I have plenty of post it notes for the next book, did not really contribute to my growth
Healing After Loss
Martha Whitmore Hickman
Amazingly helpful!!!!
This book is one of those objects described with the saying “Good things come in small packages.” This book is just what I needed when I lost my husband! One of my students and her grandmother, who had lost her husband only 8 months earlier, insisted that I needed this book. They were so adamant about it that when they found out I was numbly heading to Home Depot with my mother for light bulbs, they drove straight there to present me with this amazing gift. First off doing what they did was an awesome gift of its own- showing me they cared. Man, that feeling doesn’t go away, Ever! But back to the book.
This jewel is laid out with a quote each day, followed by a brief take on the quote and its potential meaning by the author and then a very short statement of action to be thought about as one moves through the process of grief.
Ms. Hickman knows grief first hand as a parent who has survived the loss of her teenage daughter. I could pick up that book each day and read the words and find it was just what I needed…almost uncannily. Even now, when I occasionally pick it up I can find comfort in the words that are so heartfelt they couldn’t help but heal. I think that is what is meant by timeless.
This book is so powerful that I can recall at least seven purchases for the people in my life. It is that good.
Click here to find the book on Amazon
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