A Whole New Mind
Daniel H. Pink
5+ Post its!
As I look back on the many books I have read and reread this one is in the top 5, could be one of the very top. I have think this book is for everyone, plain and simple. So much to learn. The book starts as you might think talking about the mind and discussing the left brained vs. the right brain approach to getting along in today’s world.
Daniel starts by reviewing how the functions of each hemisphere of the brain help us be the humans we have come to know and appreciate. One side is not better, they are both required-duh! It is just that times are changing and the abilities allowed us by the right brain are becoming more appreciated.
The book is set up in two sections, the above discussion, an explanation of high concepts and high touch which is pretty much the creative, artistic and beautiful things in life as well as the senses plus the explanation of what could be the end of the job you and I know and think we’d like to sometimes do without—–careful what we wish for, right? Abundance, Asia and automation might just get us.
The second part of the book goes through the six important senses, design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning. I enjoyed each and every section of this part because at the end of each section the resources and suggestions for how to better understand each of these high concept- high touch ideas is chocked full.
Design is the connection with our emotional side and good design can help increase productivity. I can tell you that the design of a closet can mean the difference of keeping things organized or stuffing things in and trying to shut it out.
Story is seeping into our culture as a way of connecting with perhaps consumers but one of my favorite parts was with med students learning to listen.
Symphony is all about seeing the big picture. The section title gives you the idea that the composer or even the conductor of an orchestra need to see the whole picture of how the different instruments are going to work in order to give the listener the experience the desire.
Empathy as you can imagine is about our Emotional Intelligence (another great book title-Daniel Goleman) used along with the other senses such as design, you get the idea that the person designing your chair or shoes knows what kind of experience you need but was most fascinating to me was the difference in detection by radiologist when given a picture of the person they are doing a reading for- they detect more issues that can then be treated.
Play was my favorite part, because it introduced me to laughter yoga. I loved it so much that I wanted to learn more so I went off to laughter yoga leader class. That way I could do this more often. The amazing power of laughter! Can’t beat it.
Finally meaning is the last of the high concepts and this is about finding our purpose or meaning by looking within to find our happiness and spirit.
I cannot tell you how much I gained from this book because at times I think the information seeped in subliminally and as I circle back on certain subjects I find myself saying “Oh yes, I read something about that in the book A Whole New Mind”
Click here to find the book on Amazon
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