Ding, ding, ding….Round 2 of the Life Changing Magic Of Tidying
Well, I am still on the clothes and that’s OKAY! I am making faster progress than I thought—YAY me!!
Feeling good about this process and myself so I ‘m thrilled to say the least. I feel lighter and my closet is getting much more light in it since it’s not so crowded. I also have most of the drawers cleared and folded so they are nice to open now.
I feel like I can finish this clothes section next round and maybe even start the next section which is books but I can tell you this I love most ALL of my books and they do bring me JOY! Many I use as references and others like Laurie King’s Sherlock series is so awesome to look at that no way would I let them go except to loan to someone who I think might be interested, at least not yet. There are lots of others like C.J. Box, J. Patterson, Cat in the Hat, Janet Evanovich, and others that I do intend to read so maybe next year at this time if I haven’t then they can go bring joy to someone else. Until then, they’re Mine! (Happy Face and heart)
After round 3 of clothes it should be a quick round with the books and on the paper stuff…..tune in later.
Until then if you want to spark some joy in tidying on you own then check out the book, Life Changing Magic of Tidying, here….
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