“When you want something, the whole world conspires to help you” Paulo Coelho Sounds great right? Just decide what you want in the universe gets on board I do believe this to be the case and if so, why aren’t more people like myself included more satisfied with things just the way they are? Why […]
Time for Regret?
Is there Time for Regrets? What if…. You could turn back Time? Would you? Having recently listened to the book, The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, I found myself wondering about end-of-life thoughts, but with a very new appreciation of confusion. Deciding is a tricky business sometimes and not just the little decisions such as […]
Fun stuff for the Groovy ones
Groovy socks for the Greatest History of all times
Braving the Wilderness
My first impression after reading this book is OH MAN, I think I just read the timeliest book by far! Maybe of all times! Could that really be? There are so many books to read and I certainly haven’t read them all. What I did know for sure was that I would be reading it […]
Mindlessness is NOT the Way to Go!
Okay, that sounds a bit bossy but I kind of feel strongly about Mindfulness. Last week this article came across my Google feed of news stories and because I have read most everything that comes across related to mindfulness, Google has me figure out and they sent this article. Imagine my surprise when I saw […]
The Type of Flood I Want to Encounter! Jólabókaflóđ
A Flood of Books That Is. Doesn’t that sound dreamy? I think so! The Jólabókaflóđ (Yo la bok a flod) is a Christmas tradition of the highly literate people of Iceland. On Christmas Eve, Icelanders give their favorite gifts (books) and pretty much know they will be receiving several new books of their own […]
Gratitude Will Get You Everything
Gratitude will get you….Everything A grateful heart is a light heart and a light heart is available to receive more. Gratitude somehow seems to have the ability to give off energy—positive energy! So who benefits from a grateful heart? We ALL do! That positive energy is infectious or at least potentially infectious and that […]
Potential Benefits of Journaling
What if a small daily habit could lead to a happier, healthier, and loner life. Would you try like crazy to fit it into your day? I would think most of us would add this somewhere in our days because it makes sense to do things that are beneficial, but we all know the deal […]
Taking time to Appreciate the Awesome in the Seasons- Starting with FALL For me here in Florida, the seasons don’t vary as much as maybe other places. Floridians pretty much have a hot and humid season then a not so hot and less humid and if we are lucky (depending on who you speak to) […]
Life Changing tragic slow down of Tidying Up: Sometimes Death, Hurricanes, and Life get in the way of keeping up with the act of Tidying Up!
I mean nothing flippant here whatsoever! I mean no offense to anyone who has had to deal in more severe fashion with hurricanes, floods, fires, death of anyone in their lives and people who just plain suffer far worse situations than myself. I am only speaking from my experience about trying to declutter my house […]
“Growing” More Mindful- Gardening and Horticultural Therapy or The Zen of Watching your Garden Grow
Ever gotten that feeling of satisfaction or excited by watching your garden grow? Or maybe the thought of growing something from a seed to a bloom gets you thinking “yes” I would really enjoy doing that! If you answered yes to either of those thoughts then you have another way of easing into the practice […]
Don’t like the feeling change the thought! It’s all about your Mindset!
Feelings come from somewhere but where? It seems they come from our thoughts. I actually had no idea about this until I had a pretty cool therapist who I visited to help me make sure I was dealing with some heavy emotions after losing my husband to brain cancer. So when I announced to her […]