Got a book you are interested in? Drop me a note and if I have read it I will post a review for you.
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Rating scale
5 post it notes: Dang, I need to buy more post it notes. Excellent writing
4 post it notes: Yay, I got lots of notes taken. Great writing
3 post it notes: I took some notes on the new stuff, thanks for adding some new material to my knowledge base. Good writing
2 post it notes: Not many post its used but great job for getting it published.
1 post it note: I have plenty of post it notes for the next book, did not really contribute to my growth
Healing After Loss
Martha Whitmore Hickman
Amazingly helpful!!!!
This book is one of those objects described with the saying “Good things come in small packages.” This book is just what I needed when I lost my husband! One of my students and her grandmother, who had lost her husband only 8 months earlier, insisted that I needed this book. They were so adamant about it that when they found out I was numbly heading to Home Depot with my mother for light bulbs, they drove straight there to present me with this amazing gift. First off doing what they did was an awesome gift of its own- showing me they cared. Man, that feeling doesn’t go away, Ever! But back to the book.
This jewel is laid out with a quote each day, followed by a brief take on the quote and its potential meaning by the author and then a very short statement of action to be thought about as one moves through the process of grief.
Ms. Hickman knows grief first hand as a parent who has survived the loss of her teenage daughter. I could pick up that book each day and read the words and find it was just what I needed…almost uncannily. Even now, when I occasionally pick it up I can find comfort in the words that are so heartfelt they couldn’t help but heal. I think that is what is meant by timeless.
This book is so powerful that I can recall at least seven purchases for the people in my life. It is that good.
Click here to find the book on Amazon
A Whole New Mind
Daniel H. Pink
5+ Post its!
As I look back on the many books I have read and reread this one is in the top 5, could be one of the very top. I have think this book is for everyone, plain and simple. So much to learn. The book starts as you might think talking about the mind and discussing the left brained vs. the right brain approach to getting along in today’s world.
Daniel starts by reviewing how the functions of each hemisphere of the brain help us be the humans we have come to know and appreciate. One side is not better, they are both required-duh! It is just that times are changing and the abilities allowed us by the right brain are becoming more appreciated.
The book is set up in two sections, the above discussion, an explanation of high concepts and high touch which is pretty much the creative, artistic and beautiful things in life as well as the senses plus the explanation of what could be the end of the job you and I know and think we’d like to sometimes do without—–careful what we wish for, right? Abundance, Asia and automation might just get us.
The second part of the book goes through the six important senses, design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning. I enjoyed each and every section of this part because at the end of each section the resources and suggestions for how to better understand each of these high concept- high touch ideas is chocked full.
Design is the connection with our emotional side and good design can help increase productivity. I can tell you that the design of a closet can mean the difference of keeping things organized or stuffing things in and trying to shut it out.
Story is seeping into our culture as a way of connecting with perhaps consumers but one of my favorite parts was with med students learning to listen.
Symphony is all about seeing the big picture. The section title gives you the idea that the composer or even the conductor of an orchestra need to see the whole picture of how the different instruments are going to work in order to give the listener the experience the desire.
Empathy as you can imagine is about our Emotional Intelligence (another great book title-Daniel Goleman) used along with the other senses such as design, you get the idea that the person designing your chair or shoes knows what kind of experience you need but was most fascinating to me was the difference in detection by radiologist when given a picture of the person they are doing a reading for- they detect more issues that can then be treated.
Play was my favorite part, because it introduced me to laughter yoga. I loved it so much that I wanted to learn more so I went off to laughter yoga leader class. That way I could do this more often. The amazing power of laughter! Can’t beat it.
Finally meaning is the last of the high concepts and this is about finding our purpose or meaning by looking within to find our happiness and spirit.
I cannot tell you how much I gained from this book because at times I think the information seeped in subliminally and as I circle back on certain subjects I find myself saying “Oh yes, I read something about that in the book A Whole New Mind”
Click here to find the book on Amazon
Daniel H. Pink
5+ Post-its
This book about what drives us in the arena of motivation. Is our motivation coming from the outside or inside?
Moving from the old form of motivation which is all about surviving, to the rewards and punishment which is not exactly motivating us to live up to our potential, to a more internal form of motivation.
The external motivation is familiar to us as the carrots and sticks method. The internal motivation is doing things for their own fulfillment and in the long run leads to greater work performance, health, and a way higher sense of enjoyment of life.
Autonomy or having the ability to direct one’s self is so much more noticeable in today’s society. People want to know what they are doing matters and be able to choose when they get it done not to mention that they would like to figure out or be in charge of who they do this work for and finally how they approach getting the job done with their own twist or take.
Mastery is pretty much what happens when we adopt an open mindset and decide that we want to improve ourselves by getting better at something we are interested enough to immerse ourselves. This type of mindset can often times lead to a state of flow which is that awesome feeling we get when we are in the zone of feeling like we can accomplish something but there is enough challenge that it gives us purpose and can bring an internal sense of reward.
Purpose is that set of goals we each have for ourselves. Sometimes we use profit to reach our purpose and other times we identify with other self-interests that can allow us to pursue purpose on our own terms, which really just boils down to money isn’t everything. It is certainly useful and allows us our needs and some wants but working just for money can leave us feeling empty and less than rewarding.
I chose to read this book because as an educator I am always curious as to why some students will work, and work and work often times not because they want straight As but because they like learning and then there are other students who have had the love of learning sucked out of them. I really would like to help move those minds back into gear to be lifelong learners. The more we know the more we understand we cannot possibly learn it all but the process of learning is pretty sweet. I give this book 5 plus Post its since I was able to talk a group of friends into reading this as a book study. Very valuable information and I really enjoy Daniel Pink’s style of writing.
Click here to find the book on Amazon
Pandora’s Lunchbox
Melanie Warner
4.5 Post-its
This book is one of those books that if you do read it you might want to forget some of the things you learned. Now that doesn’t sound like a recommendation but this book is an awesome survey of our lunch boxes.
The book starts with the history of processed foods by Melanie Warner, who was a food writer for the New York Times. She happened to become curious about expiration dates and then ended up collecting and storing items off the grocery store shelves as she went about doing some research of her own.
This research starts with the history of the FDA and Harvey Wiley to how Kraft food began as a way to help keep the cheese he was delivering form becoming moldy and drying out. Pretty interesting stuff if you ask me.
The history lesson then cruises through the cereal aisle with its beginnings with the Kellogg family to what we now have as 100s of cereal choices for a “healthy” breakfast but the cereal is pretty much anything but real……
Ms. Warner moves through the rest of the food groups in the grocery store including food additives like preservatives and vitamins. Turns out we end up having to add so many vitamin supplements to our foods because of processing them for our “convenience.” Vitamins is a scary industry in and of itself. How they are made and regulated leaves quality control in question.
Fillers, soy, meat products oh my and what are we supposed to do? Too much to cover for a review but you will learn lots about each of these. These remaining topics and what to choose close this book with the thoughtful ideas of eating simply while staying within a budget. Since the long term effects of the processed world are not that rosy, it seems the expense evens out in the end. The sit at home and chew chapter will give you some ideas of how to hot lose your mind with all the choices available today.
This is not a book for people who want to stick their heads in the sand about what they might be putting in their mouths.
I give this one 4.5 Post-it… is chocked full of info, maybe too much but man I learned a lot.
Click here to find the book on Amazon
The Power of Full Engagement
Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
A self-improvement book on a very cellular level.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is rather transformed, transferred, or cycled. The best thing we can do is learn how to manage our energy, work on not sabotaging ourselves, and refine some habits that will improve our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. (Lots of series in that set of sentences)
This book is so full of great information that you will need to buy a copy so you can either mark in it or put MANY post-it notes in it to go back later and revisit. Besides they have a resource section that is chucked full of nuggets too numerous to mention. There is an interesting personal development plan at the end that looks very valuable so you will want to have your own copy. Follow the LINK at the end of review
Not only will you find this research and experimental material very intriguing but you will also enjoy the case studies of relatable people. Makes me feel as if these tweaks in our daily lives are attainable.
Bottom line: This book has lots of great tried and true ideas for how to maintain our energy levels so that we can stretch our happiness over the course of our lives. That is reason right there. Very cerebral but not over your head. You will need a pencil or a set of post its.
Rating for me : 5 post its
Click here to find this book on
The Alchemist
Paulo Coehlo
A Mission on Earth or A Reason for Being
“When you want something, the whole world conspires to help you”
Paulo Coelho
Sounds great right? Just decide what you want in the universe gets on board
I do believe this to be the case and if so, why aren’t more people like myself included more satisfied with things just the way they are? Why seek change then?
Maybe the problem is not knowing what we want.
I know there are days that are longer than others and I can’t make more than one decision and certainly not a good one. I feel stuck
When I get like this, I feel like the universe conspired in putting me in sight of a timeless book many around the world have enjoyed, The Alchemist.
It is such a great book in one I’ve read several times. The timing of this writing is a direct result of having run across it on my desk while looking for something else. Don’t enjoy the frustration of looking for that something else, but always grateful for the out of sight out of mind items I usually find. This tale helps me realize the truth in such quotes as this example:
“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary only wise men are able to understand them.”
Bottom line: This book is loaded with Life Lessons for all no matter what season of life.
Rating for me : 5+ post its